I'm gonna try and say this in as nice a way possible:"DON'T EXPECT PHATSNATCH TO ADVERTISE YOUR SHIT BY PULLING A CHEAP ONE!"
Dear. Mr or Mrs or Ms. Anonymous.
By reading my "Totally pissed off!" post you should have gathered that I hate free loaders.
"There are few things in this world that piss me off as much a free loader. Yes a free loader. The type of person that's like a blood sucking, bacteria infested, parasitical leech. They just latch on to you in hope that they can get some sort of freebie..."So why in the hell did you think I would post your free advertising comment to my post? I don't even know who you are for crying out loud! Were you hoping that the other three people reading this damn blog would also click on your link? It's people like you that get bloggers like me to disable the "allow anonymous comments" on their blogs FOR FUCK'S SAKE!
By doing this post, I probably pissed you off. And you probably want to tie me to a chair and shoot me in the knee caps and armpits for saying what I just said. But I don't care! Its all your fault that I'm in such a foul mood in the first place!!!
Oh and btw... thanx for visiting Phatsnatch and makin an effort to leave a comment :)
love Phatboi =)
I had a lot of that shit, and much worse. Like rape movie spamming. Now that's bad - I just deleted them but they freaked me out bigtime. I also got spam on my trackbacks, these people are evil spammers from hell and must be stopped! You should try 'word verication' on blogger, that helps some.
"Evil spammers from hell". that about sums them up...
I'll try the word verification thing.
Thanx for the heads up 'n stuffs!
I must remember to add you guys to my blogroll - love your blog!
Thanks Rox! We'll return the favour of course
Hey Rox! Checkidy check!
Word verifimication baby! yeah!
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