No. The purpose of this picture is merely to state that I'm as happy at my job as postman pat is doing his black and white cat.
No, that's not it either...This is a picture of GeO taken when he was in the U.K last year. Cute isn't it? He is wearing glasses cos he forgot his contact-lens solution at home and his wearing weird clothes because...well...that's just the way GeO dresses. That and he heard that one can get lots of pussy when dressed in uniform. As you can see in the background it obviously worked for him. Nice going GeO!
What am I trying to say with this post? Nothing really. I just wanted to make fun of GeO's fashion sense for punishment of posting such a kak Phat Phemale Friday...
GeO. This is a good time to learn from your mistakes and move on. It's Karma baby!
Thanks man, but I've come to the conclusion that this is a dying blog. I have no reason for creative writing
don't worry GeO. It's the deadness before the calmness before the stormness...mark my wordness.
and don't ask me wtf I just said :|
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