Thursday, July 06, 2006

Competitive advertising at its best

This is a fine example of competitive advertising if I ever did see one. Its great to watch commercial feud like this! Remember the good old days (the 80's to be exact) when Pepsi and Coke use to rip each other to shreds in every aspect of their advertising? Those were the glory days alright. I truly hope this feud gets escalated to epic proportions. I hope Audi makes the BMW executives go to bed at night with tears of humiliation. My point is BMW drivers are a bunch of wankers and I am NOT generalising. Its a well-known fact that all (and a when I say "all" I mean everyone of those Goddamn self-righteous mother bitches) BMW owner's have an inferiority complex because they most likely had their penis's chewed off by a chihuahua as children (female BMW drivers included, since if you are female and you drive a BMW you probably had a finger-sized winky at birth). So somebody needs to put them in their place and I'm backing Audi on this all the way.

So what say you - RS4 or M5...?


Anonymous said...

10 points for posting this first - seems mine was too late..

The Real Marbro said...

Rs4 all the way,hell id rather be driving an old audi 100 than a piece of kak bmw.I aint no wanker,well not that kind anyways

GeO said...

No problems aquila, I just cut, copy and paste my email jokes real quick