Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Play this now!

Found this link the other day, and i've been playing this for hours. It has nothing to do with the picture displayed, except I scream like Ms Sharapova sometimes...

Click here to play the TennisChallenge game

This will make your eyes bleed - in a good way.

PS. GoodApollo, play this without blinking for 5hours straight. Shortly after jump into your car on a dark starless night, keep your lights off and take a drive on the N1


The Merchant said...

After or before I visit your mother?

GeO said...

How about on your way back from the hosptital!

The Merchant said...

Where I drop you off after beating you senseless? Eh?

Foreign boy?


GeO said...

The Joo's have suffered enough! Why do you insist on punishing my people with phyiscal violence? You are a cruel person.