Whatever! My point is remember how much fun those games used to be? How exciting and captiviting a few multi-coloured pixels could make one feel. The hours upon hours of fun filled epilepsy-inducing time spent in front of a blurry flashing TV screen. Remember the exciting tingling sensation you would get with the promise of new game releases that boasted more intense graphics, more explosive sound effects and more thumb-cramping game addiction? Remember how those games ALWAYS used to live up to their hype? No bullshit. No Marketing spin talk. Pure gameplay.
Sigh. Those were the good old days.
Of late the video game market has been flooded with retarded, stupid, regurgitated shit. However there is tunnel at the end of the light! Upon visiting www.ign.com I am excited again. I am as excited as a Japanese school girl on show-and-tell day. I am like Tom Cruise on the Oprah show - jumping on chairs and all.
What is exciting you so, GeO??? Well its E3 that is exciting me so. For those of us unfamiliar, E3 is the US's annual gaming expo that exhibits all things videogame. To be exact its more a cesspool of rotting advertising intestinal bile, but look beyond the spin and the marketing gibberish and there is exciting developments in them thar hills.
First, PS3 is soon to launch. With a price tag of approximately $600 this is the must have console of the year, due to launch at year end and just in time for Christmas (in the states anyway). I've started selling employee's PC components here at the office in anticipiation of the PS3. Check out IGN for full details on the new console.
*Girlish squeel of delight*
Next, after watching the Metal Gear Solid 4 video I was in tears of anticipation. Words can not do this game justice. Check out the full MGS4 coverage here, gasp at the amazing imagery, download the latest video, shed a tear or two, change soiled underwear. I have been the biggest fan of Metal Gear since I first started growing pubes in Grade 2 and the new installment is causing me to have sleepless nights - if you are a fan of the series then you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. I know its not normal to feel like this about videogames but the future of the industry is undeniably exciting. Maybe I'm being suckered by all the advertising, however it feels just like the good old days. *Screams like a 12 year old*
*Bursts into a girly giggle-fit*
And let's not forget the small matter of the last great PS2 game due out soon.
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