Tuesday, June 06, 2006

101 is more fun...yeah!

Seeing that GeO has been on posting steroids lately, I decided to do The Phat's 100th hit post. Just to show my appreciation to his mom and to let her know that we know that she knows our blog exists...and that Good Apollo, in his absence, misses her tremendously.

But guess what? I turn my back for 5 minutes and he goes ahead and steels my 5 seconds of fame for himself. Nice one! Flipping shtoopit!

But like the heading to this post says: "101 is more fun" and I didn't say that just because it rhymes. I said it cause I mean it!

So there you go GeO! How do you like them apples! Don't try coming up with something like a 102nd post either...cos that's just lame!

Ps. He-man will totally kick Skeletor's boney ass!


GeO said...

You ma se 101 post

PhatBoi said...

Cram it up your cramhole GeO!

Anonymous said...

you guys are fighting like cat and mouse(you choose who`s the mouse) just for a number ca`nt wait till you get to 1000 posts then it will be like husband and "WIFE"