Monday, June 05, 2006

What Eva

I hate the spazzy show Eva Longoria stars in, whats it called? Degenerate Housewhores? What? Its the most sorriest excuse for a soap opera if you ask me - no wonder chicks love the show.

Whats the difference between Days of Our Lives and Downsyndrome Housewanks? Eva Longoria. Excellent
article and some cute pics of the afore-mentioned Hespanic Eva on What Would Tyler Durden Do. I usually go to WWTDD to ogle at bikini clad celebs but this time I tried reading one of the articles. I avoid schleb gossip like the plague but the Eva article looked interesting and I heard a rumour that the print space on Blogs is not just to make the background to naughty pics look more attractive. Great article and even greater pics (even tho they're a little outdated), PhatSnatch can learn a lot from the way the WWTDD team manages their blog. I take my jimmy-hat off to them.

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