Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Fuckin CCNA

Holy shit! I have never, and I mean NEVER heard anyone go on about the whole CCNA thing the way GeO has the last couple of weeks! I swear Noah wasn't even this bad when he had to build his freakin ark!

Let me put it this way. If GeO was building the ark. He'd rant and rave about it so much that he would've either - a. chased the poor animals away. b. been murdered by his wife or c. been stoned to death. Seeing that there are no animals nearby and that GeO is not married we're only left with option - c. But stoning someone has always been such a messy affair. so I have come up with an alternative, and it's a good one - even if I do say so myself...

Yes GeO. I hope you're reading this! One more word about this "CCNA certificate" of yours and I'm going to tie you up, gag you and throw you in the fucking river! Got that? Comprende senior?


1 comment:

GeO said...

"senior"?? Is that your attempt to speak Spanish?