Monday, July 24, 2006


To spite my bestest of my best efforts I couldn't manage to restore The Phat to it's former glory. "This is a fuck".Turns out Good Apollo (who designed the layout originally) is a lot smarter than I thought he is. Respect! Also turns out I'm a lot dumber than I though I was...Shit!

Before I fucked up the code of the phatest blog around I didn't know anything about HTML. Now a mere 9 hours later. I have become the all knowing all seeing god of html...I WISH!!!!

Let me put it this way. HTML is the kryptonite to my Superman, the fly in my drink, the piss on battery...I think you know where I'm going with this.

But, tomorrow is another day. HTML may have won the battle but it hasn't won the war...yet. I'm going HML studying tonight. Yessss!!! And tomorrow (or the day after, or the day after that) you will see the wonder of my ill skills in HTML.

PhatBoi out.


GeO said...

Did you get any sleep last night? I mean at one section of this post you even incorrectly spelt HTML

PhatBoi said...

I actually had a great nite's sleep, thank you very much... But I always do when I'm over at your mom's place.

GeO said...

Thats quite a funny co-incidence, I with your mom as well last night. And your sister. Weird...

PhatBoi said...

you what with my mom last night? cooked dinner?

And it's no co-incidence...Just me and your mom doing what we do best...

GeO said...

Stick to Afrikaans, your English is horrific today. Btw, dont reply to this comment because my adoring public will comment on how stupid arguing on the blog is.

Anonymous said...

Jirre GeO - jy's a bietjie harsh my seun! Guys, send me your template and I will see what I can do. I am a web copywriter, and I speak HTML. And, if I can't fix it, the HTML expert I work may be able to.

PhatBoi said...

GeO, dont' get angry.Cos when you do it realy brings out the homosexual in you

GeO said...

You are the biggest asshole ever!

PhatBoi said...

Thanx Rox. See that's the prob. Thanx to me, we don't have a template. Nothing, nadda, our template's kaput, ruined, finished...yes.I'm trying to figure out wtf Good Apollo did. He's a smart guy and a web developer on top of that.I'm just winging it 'till I sort something out. thanx for the offer though. respect!!!

ps. GeO. You might hate me, but your mom looooooves me :P

Anonymous said...

Hm, that is a bit of a fuck up. Before you kill GeO or he kills your ass, I have one more plan to save your HTML. Dude who works with me did my site (and still does) and runs Drop him a mail (his details are on his site) - he knows about stuff like this and is our HTML guru. He may be able to help.