Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A hard days night...

After a weekend of non-stop drinking and partying you'd think I'd have no trouble sleeping. I mean getting a total of 5 hours sleep in a 48 hour weekend and still having to get through a ball-crunching Monday is no joke.

I got home Monday night too tired to sleep. I know it sounds impossible, but I was past the stage of sleeping. My concentration went for a ball of shit, so hopping on to the PS2 for a quick battle in Tekken 5, or a quick drive in Gran Tourismo seemed the obvious route to take but it was more frustrating than fun. It was totally impossible for me to read...Mainly coz i hate reading and therefor don't own any real books. Well, you can count my Three little piggies book I got when I was 5 (yes I still have it) but after almost 15 years of reading that book, it got kinda stale.And there was absolutely nothing on the tele, except for (dare I say it) infomercials...fucking infomercials.

Tuesday followed the same suite. No matter how worn-out, drained or mind-numbingly exhausted I felt I just couldn't get to sleep...fucking sleep

After about two hours of sleep last night I found myself at work this morning. According to my Windows calender it's Wednesday today. When you have insomnia, you're never really asleep... and you're never really awake...

The first rule of Fight Club is....

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