We, the crew here at phatsnatch have decided to let our baby into the world wide web. We deiced to let our little blog spread its wings and fly into the world of hits, comments and posts. Yes, there are other bigger , badder blogs out there. Blogs that will bully our little Phatsnatch and stick it's head in a toilet and make fun of it in front the pretty girls at school and spray it's jean pant with water so that it looks like he pee'd himself and he goes running to his mommy...and...and...
*takes a deep breath*
Sorry, I lost focus there for a second. Btw, all the things I just mentioned happened to a friend of mine. It definitely did not happen to me...it happened to my friend, like I said.
Getting back to business. We added our blog to satopsites in order to get someone other than GeO's mom and mo from HAM (thanx mo) to read our blog.
Good idea? Bad idea? we're not sure yet.
Time tells all and it flies when I'm high. I mean when I'm having fun. in the sun. with my one barrel gun. Ok, that didn't make any sense. But what the hell does in this crazy world of ours? More about that in another post though.
For now this is Phatboi for Phatsnatch. over and out. and about. cos I shout. it out...
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