Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Phatsnatch has a new best friend! Whooohoooo!

First of all I'd like to thank GeO's mom for spreading the word of the Phat. GeO's mom, I don't know what you did to domkop to review our blog, but it worked. So go do it to all the other people you might come into contact with. Do it! Do it now! Do it!

Domkop. It is my great pleasure to welcome you as one of the top ten readers of (and by top ten, I actually mean the only ten.) Which makes you our new best friend. Welcome friend!

We don't care that you ripped us off about 10 of our 100+ posts being e-mail jokes.
"Content wise all the information on your Blog is probably found on every 5th Blog in South Africa, copied over and over and over again (I cant help but think its such a waste of space). Im talking about your email jokes, funny pictures, and half naked chicks."
It's only about 9% of all our posts or something like that. But who's counting anyway? We also don't care that you ripped off our very first posts (that we did when he had a completely different template hence the blue text). To tell you the truth we totally forgot about writing those posts and we're not proud of them either. Funny picture's? Are you talking about the funny pictures accompanying our original posts that aren't found on any other blogs or the funny pictures of the above mentioned 9% of our other email kak?

What IS cool though, is the fact that you put us in the same league as
chump-style and splattermail.

"From first glance it's another Chumpstyle / Splattermail Blog"

Yeah. We must be doing something right!

Do you really like us that much!?! Just remember: "Flattery will get you everywhere with the Phat" Everywhere except in our jean pants. We said you're our friend, not our special friend...and we're well hung...and basically we only like chicks, not guys. So sorry about that one.

Thanx anyway

The Phatsnatch Crew©


The Real Marbro said...

i are love domkop two.He be so brilliant wif templates and stuff.He rock longtime

Seriously though..hes doing something right.never had this much traffic before

PhatBoi said...

hehe. damn straight.i don't know if he's doing more good than bad.

PhatBoi said...

we already dedicated three posts to you guys...that should suffice as a thank you...shouldn't it

GeO said...

Learn how to spell first and then we'll talk business!