Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Not really COTW

PhatBoi has made so many posts today, it makes me feel slightly inadequate. So I'm going to do what I do best. I'm going to post pictures of boobs. Not just any boobs, but Christina Aguilera's boobs. That's right, check out this link for almost naked Christina breasts. Tell me what you think, because I was expecting so much more. Honestly, those things hang like over-filled water balloons. It reminds me of my primary school days when we use to take field trips to animal farms, and the farmer use to tug on those gigantic over-ripe cow udders, and he would fill a bucket full of warm cow fluid, and he would offer us to sip the milk, and then he'd spray us with the teet, and then we'd drink the milk, and the next day I would shit yellow fluid until my stomach collapsed. I wouldn't like to taste Christina's cow fluid.

I must apologise to Attu. I totally stole this post from him...I'm skilled like that. I must also apologise to the office coffee lady for downing all the filter coffee...I'm hyper like that.


Daedalus said...

I stumbled in here via a recommendation by Rox – real nice blog dewds!

GeO said...

Fanx, we try our best to impress. Had a look at Ostendo, impressive

PhatBoi said...

Thanx guy. But what I think what me 'omboi GeO is tryin to say is: We don't try...we're just well hung!

ps. Ostendo is phat!

pss. Fanx again Rox! Keep on spreadin the desease!

psss. I wish good Apollo could see us now..sniff! sniff!

GeO said...

What he said