Monday, July 17, 2006

A serious case of the Mondays

Yup. I've got a serious case of the Mondays!

Someone once told me that Monday is what Sunday threw up. I think that someone might just have been the crack-whore that used to hang out at our local cafe trying to sell herself off to the young schoolboys who came to play "wonderboy" on the 20c arcade machines. Eeuuughhh!!!

Come to think of it - She actually reminds me a bit of Courtney Love. Double Eeuuughhh!!! Anyway, I don't really remember if that little piece of advice came from her or not, but it doesn't really matter.
What does matter though, is that I think she was right, cos it's Monday today and Mondays just can't pass by quick enough...

Know what I'm sayin knee-grow?!?!

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