Last week PhatBoi loan me the PS2 version of the Transformers game. This game has totally got me hooked in the world of Cybertron again! I remember how awesome the toys and the TV show were back in a time where mutating vehicles were the coolest thing since day-glo socks. Its a fun game if a little clumsy with its controls and levels difficulty, but I'm not going to get into that right now. What I would like to talk about is the modern day trend of remaking 80's television programmes. Check the webpage for the Transformers movie here. Looks flipping great, doesn't it?
Now turn your attention to this. A live-action version of Dallas! I say live-action because the acting on the original television series was about as sophisticated as a finger-puppet show made by my 4 year old niece. Which is not very sophisticated at all seeing as I don't have a 4 year old niece.
I can already tell you the outcome of this doomed endevour. I'm foresighted like that. Larry Hagman will completely rip out Travolta's lifeless yellow heart. Nobody comeptes with the original JR Ewing! And when I say "nobody", I mean John Travolta is a has-been nobody who's career died after Pulp Fiction was released, as far as I'm concerned. Hagman was ruling Texas while smoking Cubanos and having sex with two rich chicks at the same time, while Travolta was wearing cheap polyester tuxedos and having sex with himself.
Next on the agenda is Miami Vice.
A couple of posers VS trend-setting, no socks wearing, sports car driving, bad-ass 80's Demi-Gods!!! I have nothing further to say on the subject, my emotions run thick with nostalgia and memories of crimson Miami sunsets.
Next, we have Knight-Rider. I'm not going to discuss this since PhatBoi already posted this story here. Lets just say its going to be interesting and we'll leave it at that.
Magnum PI is next on my list of 80's remakes. I don't really remember what the TV show was about. I remember the 'stache, the ferrari and the dobermans. I also remember watching this show and wishing Miami Vice was on instead. I lie. I actually use to watch this show and wished Dynasty was showing rather.
Not much news on the Magnum PI movie either, all I can say it's still in the pre-production phases. How 'bout Magnum VS. Alexis...Huh huh?? The 'stache VS the original shoulder-padded reyaach beeyach!
There are a few more 80's TV show remakes in the pipeline that I cant quite remember but we'll get into that another time - the remakes that is, not my lack of memory.
Out of all these brain-dead rehashed ideas the one I'm really looking forward to is the Transformers movie. It'll probably turn out to be a dissapointing rehash just like the Ninja Turtles live action flick, but it will be a good trip down nostaligia lane. I can tell you one thing though, I'll be a happy blogger if anyone ever decides to make a real life version of Thundercats. Heck yeah!
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