This shirt just screams "Punch my fuckin face in...Please!"

This is what happens when you play practical jokes in a country thats just come out of a communist run governement. It brings new meaning to the term "dont fuck with me, I'm KGB." The best part of this video is the little tribute they play at the end, its so morbid. This confirms what I've known all along and that is that Russian people are sick. Damned Bolsevics!
Last week I was a little rushed to post the COTW, it was just one of those days where I had no time for anything. Today I'm going to take a much more relaxed approach to my Friday, I'm going to put work on hold and focus my energies on the blog instead. Well, the blog and the World Cup. Which brings me to todays COTW - World Cup Cleavage. Sounds rude when I say it like that doesn't it? World Cup Cleavage - say it with me. When I say it like that it feels like I'm talking about boobs the size of the planet - World Cup boobs. Like the cup that holds them is the world. Mmmyes...
I wanted to post Keeley Hazell's world cup spread but the Chump-Stylers beat me to it. Those guys are good...real good. They can read the Phat's mind, they know our only weakness is under-boob, an over-exposure of under-boob. Quick PhatBoi, where's my lead helmet?
Anyways, the best thing about the World Cup are the fans. Fans like these. The fans and their cleavage - thats what its all about.
And then fans like these:
Now don't say I never give you anything!